Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Shrew's Spleen Corner

Dear Readers:

I am so full of hating right now. But it's a sedate hating, full of PMS and lethargy. Here's what I hate:

This town
Being single (I hate it today...all it took was that teeny reminder of what couplehood is like, and now I'm feeling like part of a whole again. Fuck stupid crushes I'm never having one again)
My job
Students, especially white ones who are really tan and talk really loud and are everywhere
Acne (is it really possible to have it for over 10 years?)
My wardrobe (I swear if I could find one store that sells Levis 545s I would feel much better today)
How boring I am...I can't believe I'm even posting this. I obviously need...something. I tried wine and Buffy last night. Tonight I may try a combination of yoga and meditation, maybe some light narcotics.

Sad Shrew


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's okay to be sad. Maybe steer clear of the narcotics and the wine though. Those things can make you even more sad.

Sorry to be so motherly. Want to have a boring contest?

2:00 PM  
Blogger Julia Story said...

Thank you body mascot...I think I did need some mothering, actually. I tried to get my own mother to mother me the other night, and it backfired as usual.

I was substance free last night and feel much better today. Well, there was some Dairy Queen involved, actually. I believe that counts as a substance for me.

5:25 AM  
Blogger LCALeasure said...

Shrew, I can so very relate to where you are. feel free to call anytime. as I'm on the west end of the world, I'm available for late night rants :) get # from nu.

I'd recommend childrens books. One N. introduced me to was Bunnicula! It's wonderful. I love buffy, as as clem says, the girl's got issues.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Simeon Berry said...

Speaking of bunnies, if you need some (seriously) darker comic relief, check out The Book of Bunny Suicides.

For even more goth irony, there's Lenore.

Or if your tastes run more wholesomely, there's always bad art. I went to a literary magazine "ripping" party last night and went through about 250 submissions, and found it totally rejuvenating and hilarious, as the communal throw-away comments on the very worst poems made me almost glad that I had read them, pieces that made the recently announced intention (no fooling) to cast Paris Hilton as Mother Theresa seem almost sane and lucid.

Also, I have heard tell (though have not verified for myself) that Baskin Robbins's Cappuchino Blast is the best sugar high around.

8:38 AM  
Blogger Julia Story said...

Wha...Paris Hilton...wha??

That's it, I'm getting one of them cappucino thingies.

(it's nice to hear from you! I'll be where you are soon)

11:25 AM  
Blogger Simeon Berry said...

I only wish that I were making it up.

Heading metropolis-ward? Awesome. No more swale for you! If only we could draw more ex-swalers :)

I owe you a manuscript, I think. Mine is much changed from the poor benighted copy in the lounge. Your poem about the mattress giant is immortal.

Enjoy your Blast. I’m getting nostalgic for a Blizzard myself (which isn’t really food so much as a substance).

By the way, your blog and YD’s blog were pretty much what inspired me to start blogging (or at least my own low-rent version) in the first place.


11:55 AM  
Blogger Julia Story said...

Nix I would LOVE to see your ms. Mine is way different too...let's switch?

6:32 AM  
Blogger Simeon Berry said...

Done and done! Drop me a line at excelsiornix@hotmail.com and I'll send the wayward beast your way.

6:59 AM  
Blogger good golly said...


oddly enough, i just bought a pair of 504s online never having experienced them before. i got them today and wore them to work. i'm slithering in comfort.

9:16 AM  

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